Google Ads

Google Ads Faq's

1) What is Google Ads?

Google Ads is a quick and simple way to purchase highly targeted cost-per-click (CPC) advertising, regardless of your budget. Google Ads are displayed along with search results on Google, as well as on search and content sites the growing Google ad network, including AOL, EarthLink, HowStuffWorks, & Blogger.

Answers to frequently asked questions about Google Ads Express.... FAQ. Here are answers to the common questions we hear.

2) Where and when do the ads appear?

Your ads will appear as small advertisements on the right hand side or above the search results (in sections marked with yellow 'Ads'), as well as on other partner websites (if applicable to your campaign).

The ads appear when potential customers search on the keywords included in your campaign. Each keyword has a price attached to its popularity. Each time an advertisement is clicked on, the owner of the ad will pay a per-click price ranging from a few cents to several dollars/rupees. The position of your advertisement will depend on how much you're willing to pay per click.

You can also choose which countries you want your ads to be shown in. If you would like to just target your local area (eg. Mumbai or Thane only) – you can do that too! You're always in complete control over who sees your ads.

3) Where are my Ads shown?

Your ads can appear on search results as well as the Google Network of search and content sites, which includes AOL, Amazon and The New York Times. The Google Network reaches more than 80% of Internet users worldwide. Whether you need to make contact with countless thousands or a select few, Google AdWords can reach them on a neighborhood, city, state, national or global level. AdWords even allows you to create your own customized target area by designating a geographic radius or boundary.

4) What keywords should I use?

Identifying which keywords work best for your industry is a crucial step to running a successful PPC campaign. A key part of our service is conducting this research for you. As Google AdWords Professionals, we have access to a number of tools to help identify the most "cost effective" terms for your business. The best keywords are highly targeted, for example "Melbourne florist" is better than the more general "florist". After your campaign has been running for a few weeks, it will become clear which of the chosen keywords are actually being used most often in searches. You may be shocked by the difference between similar words e.g. singular vs plural or noun vs verb. We will then continually adjust your campaign to focus on the more popular keywords.

5) What reports do I receive?

After commencing you will receive an Daily report and then more detailed monthly reports thereafter.

  • Number of Clicks
  • Number of Impressions (number of times your ads were displayed)
  • Click through rate (CTR)
  • Average Cost per Click
  • Average Ad Position
  • Number of Conversions (if applicable)
  • Cost per Conversion (if applicable)
  • Total Cost per Campaign

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